Monday 9 February 2009

After much discussion!

The apostles and elders met to consider this question.
What question??
After much discussion, Peter got up…
Here we hear first hand that ‘discussion’ was vital in the role of making decisions. There was not a vote, not a one man decision, but a discussion which led the way for wisdom to be gained and consensus sought. We have so much to learn… but often I think we are just too busy.

This is such an important discussion that went on back in the very early days of the young church about AD 50.

This is a discussion about the ‘condition for entrance’ not about negating the laws or books of the Old Testament.

From verse 13 we have James speaking the Bishop of the Jerusalem church. His knees are said to have been as hard as a camel’s through continual prayer. He was also a zealous adherent to the Mosaic Law, in his own person. Yet when we focus on James words we learn why he is in agreement with Peter….15:13-21

It is fulfilment of Prophecy. A new age has begun in the life of Christ. We are still part of that age, in deed we maybe at the end of that age, but we do not know. All we should know is that Christ is as much desiring that we ‘seek the Lord and bear his name’ today as back then in AD 50.

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