Monday 3 November 2008


– This is another favourite section of Acts for me. Stephen, a man chosen to wait on tables - blows out of the window our modern conception and division of ministry and labour!

The problem: some were being neglected and so a solution had to be found. The leaders used great wisdom and in doing so did not allow division (or Satan) a foothold in the fellowship. Unity needed to be maintained, love and fellowship needed to be nurtured.

It is interesting that the Apostles studied the situation and recognised that if they were busy serving tables they would begin neglecting their duty of prayer and ministry of the word. And this deficiency would certainly have allowed space for more problems to develop. Men from among the disciples were to be chosen by the disciples. I think it is important to notice that it is the fellowship who are asked to discern those who should take on the new responsibility. No agenda’s are being followed here, simply a building up of the people of God.

When any fellowship faces problems it is also faced with opportunity.
Stephen was full
Full of the Holy Spirit 6:3,
Full of wisdom 6:3, 10
Full of faith 6:5
Full of power 6:8

In Scripture to be full means to be ‘controlled’ by. (Wiesbe p430)

Alexander Maclaren who wrote an Exposition of Scripture in the 1800s has some encouraging words for us:
He reflects that fullness is a growing fullness, that our spirits are infinite and are capable of indefinite growth …

‘the possible growth of a created spirit that is in touch with God, and is having itself enlarged and elevated and ennobled by that contact. The vessel is elastic, the walls of the cup of our spirit, into which the new wine of the divine Spirit is poured, widen out as the draught is poured into them. The more he is capable of possessing the more he will receive.’ (p205)

Through Stephen we hear of how God was using his people to love, share, teach and bless. The comments that he was full become literal as he stands in front of his accusers and stands in the name of Jesus.

I pray that we are all able to be as busy with our daily duties and as successful in them as Stephen and also able to be filled with the Holy Spirit that we be become wise and full of wisdom, power and faith. AMEN

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