Thursday 10 July 2008

Calender for socials

The last Sunday of the month will be a social where we will get together with friends and do something fresh and family orientated. Invite friends, family, associates.

Here is the proposed social calender Sundays 3.30-5.30pm
Sept 11th 8pm Coffee or Wine and web at 11 Oatfield Drive (for us to see site and chat)

Sept 28th Walk in Angely Forest back for Hotchoc, sarnies n marshmellows
(this went really well with such a bright dry day, the kids loved acting as frodo with firns on their heads!)

Oct 18th Vestry Hall, Louise leaving party

Nov 30th Chilli BBQ Fun Bring and Share

Dec 21st christingle prep &christmas Party (changed week) Church House

Jan 4th No social unless someone invites us all to their house!

Feb SAT 28th Quiet Day children can spend day with Rosanna while parents have a retreat! minimal cost of about £10

Mar 29th Hastings Chips on the Beach

Apr 10th Hot cross Bun service (if it is still on?)

May 31th Lights and Candles Fun bring n share Church House

June 28th Pool Play (cant promise we wont all get wet) bring n share

July 19th BBQ bring n share


Asher said...

It will be really useful to be able to leave comments here.

admin said...

its easy to get the google blog account took 1 min. rosanna